Energy Work

Where energy flows spirit flows

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I used to be an anti-new age academic with judgments about the intangible. After all, I worked as an Anatomy Lab Instructor for the University of Toronto for 10 years and we never explored the possibility of life force energy running through the living body. But how could we learn about what makes a living body live when we focus so much on cadavers? In a cadaver we do not see the flow of fluids, the breath and life force energy.  

It was only after my accident that I started meeting various healers who could read my body like a book. Apparently, any emotional event that I have repressed throughout my lifetime gets stuck within my tissues (so we literally can have "issues in our tissues"). Sometimes, these moments of judgment and trauma can even lead to the loss of parts of our soul. 

Experiencing the relationship between a healthy emotional-energetic body, a healthy physical body and a peaceful soul I decided to incorporate energy work, shamanism, and creative expressive therapies into my rehab routine. 

E-MOTION is energy in motion. So I explored moving the energy of emotions through various modes of creative expression. Here I am exploring adaptive expressive dance under the guidance of chiropractor-choreographer-dancer Dr. Blessyl Buan.

E-MOTION is energy in motion. So I explored moving the energy of emotions through various modes of creative expression. Here I am exploring adaptive expressive dance under the guidance of chiropractor-choreographer-dancer Dr. Blessyl Buan.

I am now trained in level 2 Reiki and am a trained Practitioner of Medical Qigong & Chinese Shamanic Medicine through Empty Mountain. If you’re curious to about the scientific research here is a Comprehensive Review of the Health Benefits of Qigong relative to Tai Chi and an article on How Qigong can help with Mental Health. If you’d like my guidance for your health, healing and wellness I facilitate Medical Qigong workshops and provide one-on-one healing treatment sessions either on the phone, online or in person at my office a The Inner Arts Collective in Toronto. 

Jaisa “demonstrates the true ups & downs of life & how to make each moment just a little bit more worthy.”
— Carole Chebaro - Registered Physiotherapist, Co-Founder of Neurocore
“My qigong experience with Jaisa was wondrous & life-altering. With her soothing & kind guidance, I reconnected with my inner child; the voice hidden deep inside me which I needed to hear & embrace.”
— Jennifer Nieva Jimenez - Mother, Systems Analyst